language Courses

Our courses are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).





The Levels of the CEFR The basic levels are: A: Elementary Usage B: Self-Contained UseC: Proficient Language Usage
Our courses

The Levels of the CEFR The basic levels are: A: Elementary Usage B: Self-Empowered Language C: Proficient Language UseA1 - BeginnerCan understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very basic sentences that are aimed at satisfying specific needs. Can introduce yourself and others and ask other people questions about their person - eg. Where they live, what kind of people they know or what kind of things they have - and can answer questions like that. Can communicate in a simple way, if the interlocutors speak slowly and clearly and are willing to help.Course duration: 200 lessons (one lesson = 45 minutes) Course hours: Monday to FridayCourse fee: Please contact us.A2 - Basic knowledgeKann sentences and understand commonly used terms related to areas of immediate relevance (eg, personal and family information, shopping, work, neighborhood). Can communicate in simple, routine situations that involve a simple and direct exchange of information about familiar and familiar things. Can describe by simple means one's background and education, the immediate environment and things related to immediate needs. Course duration: 200 lessons (one lesson = 45 minutes) Course hours: Monday to Friday Course fee: Please contact us. B1 - Advanced language usageCan be the main points understand when clear standard language is used and when it comes to familiar things from work, school, leisure, etc. Can handle most of the situations encountered while traveling in the language area. Can express itself easily and coherently on familiar topics and personal areas of interest. Can report on experiences and events, describe dreams, hopes and goals, and give brief justifications or explanations to plans and views. Course duration: 200 lessons (one lesson = 45 minutes) Course hours: Monday to Friday Course fee: Please contact us.B2 - Self-employedCan understand the main content of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics; also understands technical discussions in their own area of expertise. Can communicate so spontaneously and fluently that a normal conversation with native speakers is easily possible on both sides without much effort. Can express itself clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics, explain a point of view on a current question and indicate the advantages and disadvantages of different options. Course duration: 200 lessons (one lesson = 45 minutes) Course times: Monday to Friday Course fee: Please contact us. C1 - Expert language skillsCan understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts and also capture implicit meanings. Can express himself spontaneously and fluently, without having to search for words more clearly. Can use the language in social and professional life or in education and study effectively and flexibly. Can be clear, structured and detailed on complex issues using a variety of means to link text appropriately. Course duration: 200 lessons (one lesson = 45 minutes) Course hours: Monday to Friday Course Fee: Please contact us. Source Levels: http: // www /
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